Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes
October 2, 2007
Starbard Building
Members Present: Glenn Gaudette, Susan Serewicz, Lucy Banks
Members Absent: Lisa Post, Rosemary Johnson
Others Present: Denise Morano, Recreation Director, Dawn Placentino-Olen, Recording Secretary
The Recreation Committee meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM
Minutes: September Minutes need to reflect that there is no way we can determine why we were shy $38000.00. It could be because of the limited number of non residents passes and/or the weather. The 2 phase approach was completed in 1 step (insert after $37485.00 under Summer in the Director's Report).
Correct the spelling of Gaudette under members present in September Minutes. September minutes approved after corrections are made.
Let the minutes show that Glenn Gaudette resigned on October 3, 2007 from the Recreation Committee. The Recreation Committee accepts Glenn's resignation with regret.
Director's Report
Programs: ADULT: Womens Volleyball 12 enrolled; 22 seats available for NY trip Dec 1; Mens Basketball Thurs 21 @ Mayo and 2 at Dawson; Stained Glass was canceled due to lack of participants; Basic Screenwriting class will begin on October 16; Yoga has 12 on Tues and Thurs. The new Pilate's with Exercise Ball has 13 enrolled and will start on Oct. 4th. CHILDREN: Tiny Blades will begin in November, Ski Ward has not yet begun their season, but I anticipate that Monday evenings will be our designated night for ski and snowboarding lessons. MOUNTVIEW: A flyer is included in your packet regarding Mountview classes that are being offered. We are not offering classes in the gymnasium, because we are not allowed to use it, except for the annual 3-0n-3 basketball tournament. BEFORE/AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM: There are currently 260
children per day enrolled in the 3 elementary schools.
Miscellaneous: POOL: the pools are expected to be covered this week. CROSS COUNTRY SKIING: I spoke with Mr. Roger Kane, owner of Holden Hills Country Club, and he is less than enthusiastic about the idea of cross country skiing at the golf course. He is concerned about damage to the greens and tees, and the liability issue. He was going to address his concerns in a letter, but as of yet, I have not received it. SANTA PROGRAM: is scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 1. Ron's Sound has been reserved. The Woodbury family will be providing the hot chocolate once again this year. Lucy will book the church.
The next Recreation Committee meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 13, at 7:00pm at the Recreation Department office.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45p.m.